
Every year the American Family Association (AFA) promotes boycotts against retailers that don't bow to their demands for Christian supremacy, bigotry, and lies. So every year we will keep you informed of the list along with quick links so you can easily get in touch with these retailers and encourage them to ignore the AFA's bullying and intimidation tactics. We'll list the store and the alleged "offense." Every effort is made to keep this list up-to-date and accurate. If you have any corrections, please let us know.

Home Depot - supporting equal rights for the LGBT community
Macy's - supporting equal rights for the LGBT community
JC Penney - choosing Ellen Degeneres as their new spokesperson
NFL - hiring "offensive" entertainers
Hardee's/Carl's Jr. - "sleazy" commercials
Target - supports marriage equality
AARP - supports marriage equality
Google - supports LGBT rights; gay marriage
Starbucks - boycotted by the National Organization for Marriage for supporting same-sex marriage.
Office Depot - donated $1 million to Lady Gaga's pro-gay "Born This Way" Foundation.
Sears - allegedly selling hardcore pornography and BDSM gear on their website.