Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hypocrisy Wars!


  1. i know i said this on the blog, but i think it bears repeating.
    the cost of an abortion [in ohio, right now]
    $450[surgical, local anesthetic only]
    $550[full anesthetic, "knocked out"]

    the cost of a BIRTH: [nat'l average 2009] Vaginal no complications:$9,617
    Vaginal w/ complications:$12,532
    C-section no complications:$15,799
    C-Section w/ complications:$21,495
    NOTE: this is ONLY DELIVERY! and doesn't include meds, anesthesia, or doctor fees

    the above amounts for cost of birth are the NATIONAL AVERAGE COST. i can't find a similar list for abortion costs, and the above numbers for abortion costs A) represent ONLY Ohio and B)represent ONLY 1st trimester abortions, which are the VAST MAJORITY of all abortions [2nd and 3rd are more expensive, harder to get, and pretty much ONLY happen when mother's life is at risk or fetus has a condition incompatable with life]
    there are TONS more things that cost money in giving birth; a partial list below

    aside from delivery:
    preg test
    tests for birth defects/abnormality
    other tests for illnesses/infections
    pre-natal appts [plan on 8-12]
    pre-natal meds and/or vitamins
    "training" [for vag births, breathing and etc] meds and "other supplies"
    doctor cost for delivery/c-section epidural/anesthesia
    other specialists
    incubations/innoculation/newbo­rn care
    around $1000-$1500*/day for room [both mother and child]

    given ALL the costs for a vaginal delivery with NO complications, said pregnancy can EASILY cost $10,000 or more. ANY complications, and the price rises exponentially. i know a family whose latest child cost them OVER $1 MILLION!

    given the relative costs-how the HELL can ANYONE go on and on about "abortioners are just out to GET RICH!" I don't get why people think abortion is some lucrative thing-PREGNANCY is the highly lucrative practice! "abortionists" tend to be in it for the "helping", not the MONEY.

    *Nat'l average for REGULAR ROOMS.

  2. whoops! that first line should read "i know i said this on You-Tube" - since i was posted to both places at the same time. sorry!
